Tuesday, March 18, 2008

sports carnival 2008

On Friday,7Th march,our school had organise a sports carnival.We assemble at the parade square while the primary 3s and 4s assemble at the hall.We waited for the bus for a long time.We were the second last class to take the bus and arrive at the swimming complex. The primary 3s and 4s ,stayed at school to do activities while the primary 5s and 6s went to the swimming complex.We sat at the last row so that we can see the competitors compete with each another.I felt bored and not interested in watching the competitors swim.when it was time to play the pool games,I change into my swimming costume and gather around the medium pool.it was a fun game.

After announcing the prize winners,we get to know the house winner that is topaz .when we arrive the school,we get to go any where in school.In class,we ate swensens ice cream and took alots of pictures!

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