Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Survival Skills

My class and me went to the canteen for Survival Skills on 10/10/o8.We brought our own rice and canned food which is baked beans and curry chicken with us to the canteen. I was grouped with Sankari and Jeanifer At the canteen, the first thing Mrs Ratna intructed us to do is to wash the mass tins , put the rice into the tin and wash the rice too.The rice have to be clean. We measure the water level with our fingers. After washing the rice,we put the tin on the fire. There are two tins. We have to cover the bigger tin with the smaller tin. Everytime when we need to stir the rice, it will be difficult for us to remove the cover. We need to stir so that the rice will not stick on the tin. We also have to put the canned food on top of the tin to warm up the food in the can. After the rice is cooked, we pour all the canned food into the tin with rice. It may look disgusting but when we eat it, it turned up to be delicous.I was very proud of myself and my friends too.After eating, we clean up our tin. It was very difficult to clean the tin. Some of the boys when to get the hose to clean the place where we have cooked. By the time we finnished cleaning, it was recess.